02 January, 2007

Syncosoft Lives!

Its been more than a year since Ansaf, Sabeer & Shamon have been doing projects under the label 'Syncosoft Solutions', and I had started working with them as a partner since last April. We have been working from our homes, using our home computers.

Broadband connection came to my town in the third quarter of 2005, and I was just starting to use the speed boost (compared to dialup) to my advantage in Open Source design (downloading templates and tweaking it to my needs; instead of starting from scratch). Broadband connectivity was critical for the idea of working from home. But after some time, coding alone was becoming more and more boring..

We slowly realized the need for an Office, and Shamon & Sabeer had been trying for months to get this one set up. So there it is! Today, I saw the office for the first time. Yes, its small; but functional nevertheless. Working together at the same place will, hopefully, let us keep each others' company, and increase productivity to new heights.

The official address of Syncosoft Solutions is as follows:
Syncosoft Solutions
Thottumughom P.O.,
Aluva - 683105
Kerala, India.

We are trying to get a suitable domain name registered, hopefully www.syncosoftsolutions.com - but that is already registered it seems. Oh well.. will try again later.

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